On Friday, February 2, Rockville mayor, Monique Ashton, visited our 4th grade class in celebration of the “If I Were Mayor” essay contest.
Ahead of Mayor Ashton’s visit, students brainstormed questions they wanted to ask her about her job as mayor. They asked things like “What does a typical day look like?” and “How do you inspire others?” Mayor Aston explained the importance of community involvement, time management, and relationships. She also conveyed how much she values schools and education, and gave students some tips on how to get involved to make Rockville even better.
Mayor Ashton is the 67th mayor of the City of Rockville and is the first mayor of color. Our students were thrilled to meet her, and even crowded around to ask for her autograph!
CES graduates leave with a deep sense of their responsibilities as members of the world community.”
Weeza Bullard, CES grandparent