Episcopal Identity

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Family at Christ Episcopal School Service

Our Episcopal Faith

At Christ Episcopal School, our Episcopal identity is at the center of our name and at the center of who we are. As a Ministry of Christ Episcopal Church, we are a part of the Anglican Episcopal Church, a descendant and partner of the Church of England and Scottish Episcopal Church. We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God who loves all people-no exceptions.

Episcopal Schools live into the legacy of inclusion in the Episcopal Church by upholding the dignity and value of all human beings. We believe that leadership can be expressed by all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, and both women and men serve as priests, bishops, and deacons in our church.

Episcopal Schools do not promote a single religious doctrine, but are founded on common principles that encourage social, intellectual, and spiritual development.

We gather regularly for Chapel where we discuss our “Cardinal Character” virtues, drawing upon the liturgical resources of the Episcopal Church in a manner that is creative and inclusive for people of all (or no) religious backgrounds.

We focus on community life, where reflection, prayer, curiosity, and communication are honored and cultivated to foster an atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect.

We encourage spiritual formation unique to each student, and discuss religion in a manner that is academically substantive, age-appropriate, and in dialogue with other faith traditions.

We promote social justice by being attentive to the ideals of a just society by embracing and honoring diversity in our community and promoting service-learning and civil discourse as fundamental to our educational culture.