CES Celebrates Class of 2024

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On June 7th, we honored the CES 8th grade graduating class with our annual Graduation & Baccalaureate Ceremony. In CES tradition, the service was filled with award announcements, special remarks, musical offerings, and a gift of portraits painted by the 8th graders’ Kindergarten chapel partners.

During the ceremony, each student also presented a speech entitled, “What CES Means to Me.” Graduates mentioned favorite moments from their time at CES, thanked their teachers, and gave heartfelt insights into how they have grown as individuals. These speeches inevitably brought us to tears of joy as faculty, staff, and parents listened to each student speak.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! We are so proud to call you CES Graduates!

CES graduates leave with a deep sense of their responsibilities as members of the world community.”

Weeza Bullard, CES grandparent