CES 1st Graders Donate to American Humane

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November 4, 2022

In October, the Christ Episcopal School 1st Grade Class held a week-long bake sale to raise money for American Humane, an organization working to rescue and provide critical care to animals in need.

After learning about the devastation from Hurricane Ian, 1st Grade was inspired to help out. This cause is very important to them, and they were excited to see the impact CES could make when we work together to change the world! Through their bake sale, 1st Grade was able to donate $567!

Thank you to the 1st Grade parents for donating homemade goodies, and to the CES community for making purchases and donations to this cause.

If you would like to learn more about American Humane or to make a donation, please visit their website.

CES graduates leave with a deep sense of their responsibilities as members of the world community.”

Weeza Bullard, CES grandparent