7th Grade Bake Sale Raises Funds for Shepherd’s Table

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Bake Sale flyers created by the 7th Grade students.

On Monday, October 16th, Mrs. Kesner’s 7th Grade Advisory Class hosted a Bake Sale and raised $193.43 for Shepherd’s Table.

Shepherd’s Table supports individuals experiencing homelessness and hunger by addressing issues of food insecurity and poverty through a variety of programs. The 7th Grade is planning to use the funds they raised to make homemade casseroles for the organization. On Wednesday, October 18th, they are planning to meet up to make the casseroles and deliver them fresh to Shepherd’s Table in Silver Spring, MD.

Any leftover funds after buying groceries will be used to purchase items that are on the Shepherd’s Table Amazon wish list.

Service Learning is a major focus at Christ Episcopal School. To learn more about service learning and some of our student’s recent projects, click here.

CES graduates leave with a deep sense of their responsibilities as members of the world community.”

Weeza Bullard, CES grandparent