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Middle School Dance

Join us for an Evening in Paris!

Welcome to Christ Episcopal School! We hope you will join us on Friday, October 18th from 7:00-9:30pm for our Middle School Dance (open to 6th-8th graders only). Please note: Students must bring a signed permission slip and $10 to attend the dance. Students are NOT permitted to leave the dance without an adult.

Dance Guidelines

We expect the young people who attend our dances to represent the very best of themselves, their families, and their school.

  1. Only students invited by CES will be admitted at the door, with their permission slip and $10.00 admission fee.
  2. NO drink containers may be brought into the building. No alcohol, drugs or weapons.
  3. No child may leave CES without a parent.
  4. All food must stay in the dining room.
  5. Students are only permitted in the Dining Room and Murdock Room.
  6. Appropriate clothing is required.
  7. No disorderly conduct.
  8. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in dismissal from the dance.

Click HERE for the Permission Slip. All students must provide parents name and cell phone number on the permission slip to be admitted to the dance.