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Convocation Eucharist Chapel 2023

students in chapel at Christ Episcopal School in Rockville Maryland

All are invited to join us for our first K-8th Grade eucharist chapel service (known as Convocation Eucharist) of the 2023-2024 school year on Wednesday, August 30 at 9:00am!

Together, we celebrate God’s presence among us through the gifts of bread and wine. This parish’s policy is Open Communion: all who seek God and are drawn by Christ are welcome to receive communion (just bread or both bread and wine). All worshipers come to the altar rail to receive the elements or to receive a blessing. Feel free to contact The Rev. Timothy P. Carr (fathertim@cecrockville.org) with questions regarding chapel services and our community’s spiritual life.

If you plan to join us, please enter through the main church doors that face South Washington Street.